Only God Can Judge Me

Welcome to
As you can see, it's my blog. So my rules yeah? Strictly no ripping. I appreciate the colours in my life very much and each black notes in it are very much of what I am today.I can be hysterical at times especially during my gloomy other girls..I find passion in hanging out..gossiping..dressing up etc. I do have a boyish side of me doh..I love sports! plays on the track..etc.However..Im rather shy when it comes to being around new people..but I can be quite loud and goofy when im around people that Im familiar with! hehe..befriend with me if you wanna find out more!! oh ya! u may leave if u hate me..=)

Precious peeps

Till The Limit™
Adrian Leong
Big Boys Oven
Chi Ling;Piglet
Ck Lam
Fei Wen;Babi x)
Food inspiration
Kah Han;Nevon
Ken Chan
Kher Li
Kok Yong;Adrian
Kopi;Babi xD
Larissa;Hotie mamala
Li Sha;Baybe
Pearl Lee
Pei Ling
Phooi Yan
Ryan Foo Joe
Shea Wen;Darling
Shi Wei
Sok May
Van Hong
Wai Kin
Weng Hong;Andy
Yan Gy;Babi
Yi An;Cutie


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S.F Cheung ♥
I'm just a typical 18 years old girl who always living in my small and tiny world.Wish me Happy Birthday on 17 Aug.

Designer : Jerval
Basecodes : Hester Stephanie
Qoutes : Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Color codes : Color picker

dead blog
Thursday, March 24, 2011

go to my tumblr kay..
k thanks bye! :)


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Friday, March 11, 2011


Temporary Joyous
Monday, March 7, 2011

this picture was taken during Zen's birthday at Tenji Mont Kiara.
i like this picture so much.. lol for no reason -.-

oh hi people! this blog is dying yo! pardon my lazyness lah!
everybody go create a Tumblr account please.. out dated loh u all ==
bye! see u there! =)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


经一事长一智,不断实践,发现问题,解决问题,不失为成长之道! wootz!

朋友有亲有疏,有好有坏,有的朋友只是泛泛之交,点头之交。有的朋友可以秉烛夜谈。一个人一生能够得一知己,可谓足堪告慰平生而无憾矣!因为相交满天下,知音有几人!哈哈...有些朋友能与你在车内大声喧哗,有的则认为你很不正常。=.= 在这个世界上,有的人可以为朋友兩胁插刀,毁家纾难。有些''粉肠''则见利忘义,卖友求荣。-.-
我老豆跟我说过,交朋友,所谓近朱者赤,近墨者黑。要亲近益友,不要亲近恶友,要交知耻的朋友,有义的朋友,有信用的朋友和有道德家教的朋友。我听到都显 =.= 但他的良言也蛮有道理一下 xD

慎言的人比较不容易受到伤害。语言,有唠叨,危言,狡辩,贫嘴,妄言,恶口,胡说,冷语,争议,还有...废话 =.=

别人说你好,你会很喜欢吗?你有没有想过,他赞你赞的对不对?别人毁谤你,你就在那边生气,你又有没有想一想,他的批评毁谤,合不合理叻?form 4的话语课本有教过 ''信言不美,美言不信!''
总而言之,我真的很希望有人能发明两种filter...一种放进嘴巴里,另外一种放进脑袋里面! ==

okay...我nag完了 =D 请你们不要对号入座咯!不要perasan在那边以为我在写谁谁谁.. -.-
我只是在练习我的华文写作能力啦!很久没有写作文liao~~ xD
我今天突然变得文绉绉的! 发啊!!! =D =D =D


Thursday, January 27, 2011

PJST!! <3

Almost every time on the court is joy and bliss. But some times are even better than others.. haha oh and even off court too! we're not only team mates.. but friends.. siblings.. oxygen..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

i spent a good part of yesterday morning and night wrestling with questions dat i only woke up to struggle with again... why am i doing this harr? why try so hard leh? why bother with relationships? wats the point man?

"arent things easier and better being independent and self-sufficient?" i asked myself for what is probably the millionth time in my life..haih..
anyone who knows me well enough knows this tough-chick front i always try to hard to put up.. i don't depend on ppl cause i dont like to be vulnerable.. in any sort of relationships watsoever...
even the closest ppl to me know that i only let them into my life to a certain extent.. =( and even when i share things closest to my heart... its after I've already wrestled and dealt with it on my own...
"i could easily go on living like that.." i told myself.. but instead i'm choosing to let ppl in... and i ask myself why...why har? i question why im going against everything i used to stand for..
why put myself in such a vulnerable position? why allow others to see my weaknesses? why care so much about other ppl? wat's the point?
arghh! but honestly.. i never regret of knowing these ppl in my life... SERIOUSLY! =) looking back at wat i've been trough.. i'd be a complete mess if i dint meet u all... haha u guys make me laugh a little a little brighter..and just live a little better.. its important to have sumbody dat can make u laugh tho! sumbody u can trust.. sumbody dat... err u know.. turns u on! =D im sorry that i may disappoint u guys sumtimes..=(
but im still me kay?

some days.. at the end of the day.. after dinner with a friend u met recently.. u end up talking for hours and pouring out the entire story of ur life...lols u swap anecdotes.. trade secrets.. laugh about silly regrets and get all melancholic together about less silly ones.. and ones u wished never had to happen..
u talk about things close to ur heart.. things u wished for once upon a time.. and things u still wish for..
u talk about things u like.. about creating and writing and photography and art and ppl who inspire u..=D
u let ur guard down.. and for awhile.. u're not another one in a million scraping through a dark and depressing winter day.. u are not alone! whoo!

and some days.. u realize~ here is where u are meant to be... this's the point lah! haha
walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

xie xie ni men ;)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

when u say u just slipped away..
i cried.

i think everything we go through is a learning experience... i know sumtimes we seem to think everything is a curse and the universe is conspiring against us..
but if we refuse to change the way we think.. then we cannot change our lives. haih..
we''ll never find real.. lasting satisfaction in a relationship if we think its all we need to find happiness...
we can never be a hundred percent sure that the relationship will last when we're seeing a relationship as a destination... because nothing in this life is solid.
even after u've known a person forever.. people still change!

if u dont feel the same way.. please tell that person.. instead of leading that person on and playing with her feelings. seriously..
move on doesnt mean i'll forget all the memories.. i'll still remember it.. but it doesnt affect me anymore..
btw.. thanks for everything.. =)
i really appreciate it when u try ur best to solve the problems for me..
thank u for breaking my heart.. u've only made me me stronger..

there're alot more i want to say.. but spies are everywhere nowadays..
sigh =(

What to do?
Friday, January 14, 2011

im standing on a knife-edge..
to the left... a sheer drop into a raging sea
the right side...a sheer drop into a deep blackness...unknown and unseen!

maybe choosing either is better than standing there with my feet cut and bleeding.


Helo 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011

i'm supposed to be asleep by now. (Not that it makes any difference really) but the thoughts that just flurried through my mind are so blah-blog-worthy! i'll keep it short and sweet. aha..
argh!omg college is starting on monday! D;
I survived a whole semester!!! one semester has come and gone!
Just like that!!! i met people..made new friends.. struggled some..triumphed some..changed in the process..grew up a little more..wrote more..walked more..drove more..lived
somewhat differently...ahhhh =]

oh and i went melacca yesterday! =D I HAD FUN THO!

credits to lishaaa..

aww Diane.. xD

Shea Wen looked like some body guard here.. ;P

Japanese layer cake! u can only found it in Melacca! and it taste GREAT!

we had satay celup for dinner! x)

ok ignore this.. -.-

oh by the way.. my facebook account is having problem -.-
but Da Da is helping me to solve the problem.. awww =]
god bless him man.. otherwise i gotta create a new account x(
training at U6 tomorrow~ whooo! =]

Friday, December 24, 2010
People say that life is like a roller coaster...
for the past 19 years of my life.. it has certainly seemed that way. -.-
there was no such thing as smooth sailing..fml~ not for any period of time that lasted for more than a few days..
at least... as i mark off the last few days of the year before i move into a new year..
out of the teenage years and one step closer to adulthood..
this has not changed..


an outing after spm ends.. Diane's suggestion =]

Tao Japanese Buffet.. not bad tho =]

and i camwhored =.=

k thanks bye =]
and Merry Christmas! :D

What tomorrow brings
Thursday, November 25, 2010

u can only be strong for urself... u cant expect people to be that arm for u to hold on to because that arm is going to get tired after awhile tho...
when th
at person lets go of u.. u fall..u fall.. HARD. it hurts even more tho..
the cuts are deeper.. the scars hold on to u.
but dont stay on the ground too long or wait for sumone to pick u up ag
ain wei...
u wipe those tears and u pick urself up!!

a couple nights ago..Lisha came to Puchong and had "sihaam" session with me at One Puchong Cafe. hehh..
she was fed up of studying i guess? so she gave up at the end and decided to have gossip session with me =) which means " sihaam session! " haha! by the end of the night (and much laughter and good conversation later) i felt stronger and less worn out than i did before going for the sihaam session.. =] thanks woman!
i felt strong when i spend an hour trying to convince a friend going through a tough time that I cared..
i thought i had no strength to convince the person and was on the verge of giving up and thinking to myself.. "aiyah.. if people want to be so pessimistic, wtv la... they want to think like that.. their problem lo =(" Even though i dint really think i could convince the person... i stucrk through and even though one conversation is not going to change sumbody else's life.. i felt strong because i know it's a start tho! =]

today morning..i snoozed my alarm like three or four times and i dint feel like getting out of bed.. omg -.-
just one of those days when u wonder why u have to wake up..
But i told myself that i believe every new day holds something good! even if it doesnt feel like it.. =.=
i got out of bed showered and went to play volleyball! >:D aww i miss my lovely juniors! =) came home and slept a little.. my friend came pick me up around 1pm.. went shopping at Summit USJ and Sunway Pyramid.. oh and i got myself a Polo Tee at Polo Haus =) enjoyed my day...hahaha

buffet dinner @ Shangri-la Hotel KL! xD

PJ people.. :D

at the hotel lobby..

i finally found u devil casing! >;D

we <3>

buying stationary at Popular IOI mall.. all the best woman!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Happy Hatch Day To Miss Khen Li Shahhhhh!

Hello Kitty cake! awww ;) below are randomly continuous shots..





and 5! :) pardon the retardness of Kim.. she's lacking of attention. xD


padan muka. (Y)

LMAO @ Renee.. hahaha

fat cat queueing for ice-cream. tsk tsk tsk

fight for chicken!

group picture! ;]


eeeee!! the birthday biatch. haha xD
kay lar.. all the best for ur STPM kay =]
stop emo-ing at night and make ur days productive woman!

一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。------ 因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。

You smile i smile
Friday, November 12, 2010

we're not always able to quit whenever we want and there are times we are forced to keep at watever we're doing.. not always do we have opportunity knocking at our doors...oh well.. it is good to quit sometimes tho..
and btw..i was going to write an angry post that would probably get me into trouble.. but i decided against it ;) hehh! i've better things to do than to provoke every other person who reads my blog... the world has enough ppl with issues for today..i think~ aish! fml man.. lols forget it! chill sok farrrrn :)
the face of the clock read 3:16..i shall get ready to go Cheras now =] i hope PBC wins tonite :D if only i could easily control time like how i can easily stand on my tip toes.. take down the clock.. replace the old batteries with new ones..and wind the hands to read the time i would want it to read (and that's the correct time.. ofcourse). if only. ;) in ur dreams lah sok farrrn!
okay i cant wait for this sunday (Lisha the fat chick's birthday celebration) and next tuesday (Shangri-la ) !!!!! wootz!

aiyerr Diane.. tsk tsk tsk


when u think u're not happy with ur life..always think that someone is happy simply because u exist! :)))

Crystal clear it becomes
Thursday, November 4, 2010

hey ;)
i've been blogging sporadically lately..
cause i havent really felt like i have anything important to say.. -.-
but my days are awesome tho! =]
oh and there's a saying.. ask two ppl for their opinion.. and u'll get three answers..
no one knows the answers.. really. like we said..we're all trying to figure things out.. and do the best we can.

i have been discovering that ppl do change..duh -.-
and for the better...these lessons have been accompanied by real-life encounters.. or 'proof'..
just to convince the cynic in me. =]

alright..nah let me show u some pictures..

Star Cruise! ;)

strong wind -.-

same pose in Penang. :DDDD

had supper with Shea Wen, Sze En and Lien at Ming Tien last saturday.
and the clam was damn nice tho! :D

went One U with Kim,LiSHa,Hui Zen and Choo on the next day. im suck in bowling -.-

KL Open! got 4th -.-
